Happy Birthday! And Goodbye.

So you’re six, and in a few weeks heading into Grade 1. I’m blown away. It’s been a fun ride and I suspect it will only get better. Sure we’ve had our differences - typical parent/child stuff - and I know there have been times you’ve thought of me as a total jerk. The reality is... I am. But jerk or not I promise you this much: No matter what challenges we may face together, you will always be my son and I will love you unconditionally.
And hey, you’re a lovable kid. You’ve got years, decades of development ahead of you, but I can already see signs of a leader emerging. You’re empathic, caring and inclusive. Thoughtful, helpful and kind. Yeah you’re only six, and you have all the trappings of a six-year old, but there are some awesome personality traits bubbling to the surface.
It’s also time to sign-off The Jasper Chronicles for good. Honestly I’ve pretty much checked out a year and half ago, but might as well make it official. Not that there are any readers left to even notice, but this blog was never about building a readership. I’m flattered that I got the readers that I did, but no, I created this blog for you son.
I used this blog as a way to document the first few years of your life through my eyes. And while there have been some huge gaps between posts, I think I’ve been fairly successful. Particularly capturing the early years, the years you won’t remember - thankfully - because those are also the years you probably saw me naked far too often.
And just because I haven’t posted in the past year and a half doesn’t mean you’ve gotten off easy. I have hours of video and thousands of pictures stored away. Really embarrassing stuff I can pull out anytime. Stuff that would make you crap yourself; come to think if I have footage of you crapping yourself.
So that’s it. The Jasper Chronicles are done. I might start another blog one day, maybe. Or maybe not. Maybe I’ll just sit back and enjoy the ride.