The Jasper Chronicles

The Journal of a Cynical Dad

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Okay That's Picky

Most kids are somewhat fussy eaters, and The Boy is no different. He loves vegetables - broccoli, spinach, beets, asparagus, brussel sprouts, to name a few - but has trouble with meat. He'll eat a hamburger but not steak. Ham, bacon but not pork. Turkey sausages but not turkey. Chicken strips in restaurants but not homemade. Sushi but not fish.

Yesterday at daycare things took a turn toward the weird. For his morning snack I packed him one of his favourites - peanut butter and jam sandwich. According to his teacher he sat down, looked at his placemat and started crying.

"What's wrong?!?"

"I don't like my sandwich."

"I thought peanut butter and jam was your favourite?"

"It is, but I don't like the container. It's different."

Eventually he stopped crying, but wouldn't touch his sandwich. Yes I admit I grabbed a different container, but come on little dude, it's only a plastic tub!


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

That Deserves a Lump of Coal

Me: Let's go buy Breakfast with Santa tickets.

The Boy: Awwww man! If I have breakfast with Santa I'll fart!

I'm sure there are a lot of upsides to being a Department Store Santa. Kids farting on your lap is probably not one of them.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Safety First?

Since the late 80's or so, car manufacturers have installed rear door child-safety locks in most of their cars. They come in various flavours, but they all do the same thing - prevent the door from being opened from the inside. The idea is to stop junior from fleeing the car at inappropriate times, like say driving down the highway at 110 km, or driving past a collision between a toy delivery van and ice cream truck.

So a month ago when The Boy stepped up from a car seat to booster seat I activated the safety locks in our car. Then I got to thinking, just how safe are those locks?

Yes it's true, the locks can stop your kid from bolting the car when you least expect it, but what about a situation where you actually want, or need, your kid to get out by themselves. And that's the real question isn't it? If you got in a crash and your door was stuck shut, how would your kid get out of the car?

Whether you choose to use these locks or not really depends on you, but after thinking it through I'm on the side of the prevention through education instead of prevention by restraint (like those stupid kid leashes - but that's for another day).

A week after using the locks, I deactivated them. And so far I haven't had a problem with The Boy getting out when he shouldn't.